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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday 'news' round up (because entertainment isn't actually news)

I'm voting Tory if I live in Hampshire (The Sun) because of the error in Mr Forse's election campaign, Vote Forse X (as in the X to vote, right?!), also seen as 'vote for sex'.
How unfortunate it must be to have the surname Forse, yet again, so very funny

Paris Hilton 'stole' UB40's Kingston Town (The Mail). I don't expect anything too original for her anyway. And in comparison, they do sound very much alike, included the word pattern in the first verse.

Also in The Mail I'm pissed to see that Gwyneth Paltrow is compared against herself from he baby fat days to today - she looks worse after.

I'd hit the one on the left - ain't nothing wrong with some cushion!

I can't knock The Mail and be unfair though.

Tanya Jones did reportage on what its like to go to a Big Brother audition. She lied through a lot of it, but its interesting what Big Brother actually wants to know about you, particularly your sex life.

How old was I when I lost my virginity? What was my most memorable sexual experience? How many sexual partners have I had? Would I sleep with someone for money? Have I ever posed naked? It is a giant, tawdry fishing trip to round up the broken and the vulnerable.

I am told to bring my passport, birth certificate, a utility bill, a bank statement and a receipt that confirms I have requested my criminal record form from the police. I arrive at the restaurant and see the young man holding the item they'd described. I tell him the password, like a spy with a very naff mission. "Welcome," he says.

I think I've read other stories by her too, she's a bit good!

Although I would never buy The Mail, I'm glad I read that extract.

Johnny Knoxville is being sued for not paying someone to put their genitals, shall we say, in a mouse trap as a stunt. (BBC)
The footage also made it onto the internet. Why would you do it in the first place if you see someone is recording you? Why do it in the first place?

A new Frasier, aka, the posh equivalent of Friends is coming (Guardian)
I always liked the slightly overpaid Kelsey Grammer aka Sideshow Bob's upper-class sitcom. Although not as popular as Friends, it was on the same level, in my opinion. I don't think this will be the same though.

That's it for now, I hope I enlightened the world with what I've been reading.

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