Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Me, me, me!

The Easter holidays have given me so much ME time - its as if to say all my hard work has paid off! I just hope it has, in exchange for a high percentage mark!

Partly to blame for so much time to myself is the movement of comrades going on holiday during this time, which would seem disheartening at first, but its worked out fairly positive for me :)

All my email have been corresponded to. My summer work application was emailed to as many contacts at the council I could harass to read. My interview for my voluntary journalism project has been secured thanks to my uni placements officer. I have a work interview for my aforementioned summer job (I only really had two major emails!)

This makes my future look exceptionally bright. Around 100 watts, were we talking of a comparison with a light bulb. Enough to live with, not quite floodlight brilliance though.

While on the subject of work, I have been working like a biiitch on Saturdays, and with fantastic rewards too in the form of time off at the end of the day. I don't mess about, I want my summer work and I'll do anything to do it and not enter another less fulfilling profession!

Work brings me to money, where I scoured everywhere to reach the final £3000 needed to fill up my ISA for April 5th. I emptied all my pennies into the money converter in Sainsbury's (£9.56 it came to- they take 8pence of every pound you put in) it came to!
Anyway, I got my interest returned to me, but I don't feel it was the advertised 5.30% advertised, so I'll be writing my bank a formal email! Why leave the zero at the end of it, too? Any mathematician will tell you you don't leave zeros after the last number in decimals!

All this success has gone to my head a bit.
My latest problem now is I'm becoming a bit of a narcissistic. Thanks to the excessive working out going down for my dancing, I'm becoming even more defined than I was before. I'm catching my reflection and going "Damn, is that really MY body?!" This is all minus any sort of gym membership too.
I'm looking to buy some tighter fitting sleeveless tops for summer.

So that's ME done. Me, me, me.

Message sent off a portable device

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