Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Do that stuff, and do a dope move!

Positive reinforcement is a beautiful thing. So is takin' it to da streetz!

Yes indeed I've been training my b-boying! After seeing the Red Bull Beat Battle the other weekend, I feel it is my DUTY to train hardcore!

So I been kickin it with Damien down the subways of S-Town (shirtless, possibly distracting the odd female driver) getting my COFFEE GRIND to BABY to HEADSTAND on lock!

So I was at training today, prepping for the freestyle - not the last one in the circle this week!
Toprock, 6-step to standing and back in to coffee grind to baby to headstand to slight invert, onto my back, head swipe into chair.

To the average person that was all just b-boy jargon. But to the judges it was DOPE!
And when your audience cheers and gives you a clap, that's a realllll good feeling!

So next step is to set out a training routine for myself.

By the way, for security of my blog I don't mention names. But The Fabz was tight too!

Message sent off a portable device

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