Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Miracle Before Christmas!

It's Christmas, it truly is!
We've a new addition to the family!

Twas a cold, foggy night last night. Or evening. Or day. I don't actually know the full details. Come close though, my friends, what I do know is this... (from what was retold to me):

So homegirl Chubby's (obviously not real name) brother was out last night/evening/day when he saw a scampering in the road. He went over to check what it was... a two-toned ball of fur, rodent like but with no tail - why, it was hamster!

After trying to capture it, but to no avail, he asked some lads from the swimming baths (I don't get why or how, either!) they managed to corner it, then went into KFC to get a chicken box (I shit you not, friends) to put it in.

The next day (today) I got a phone call in the afternoon from homegirl Chubby telling me this sad story of the abandoned hamster her brother had found, and did I want it?

Now, its been about two months since Tootsie (our other hamster) died. The house is sort of empty without her. This fella would have died of cold, been run over or eaten had it been left to nature, and it is Christmas: I said yes.

'Tis the day before Christmas. Some call it Christmas Eve Eve. I decided there and then on the phone to call it Miracles (pron.: Mih-rah-klees, as in how you say 'Hercules')

And that's the story of how he came to be.

He's in our sitting room, in his new home, by the fire. Oh, did I not mention he is a he? O he certainly is - you heard the phrase "hung like a hamster?" He defines it, they're huge! Huge in proportion to his tiny body, that is.

When you see him, be sure to give my orphaned friend a friendly greeting, because he is the Miracle of Christmas!

1 comment:

Beautifully Chaotic said...

Miracles has the BIGGEST balls I have ever seen on a hamster!

So cute though! If I was a little lady hamster I totally would!