Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Friday, May 04, 2007

A [financially] tragic time of the month! I will be broke!

And it's only just begun!

Most people wouldn't moan about having £90 (the rest of my wages go into my savings), but until my next payday I have £90 to last 3 weeks.

Quick maths £90/3 weeks = £30 a week.

£30 a week isn't too bad, but subtract my expenses (from £90):

-£25 phone bill
-£10 lenses
-£10 bus pass
-£15 eating on the move

= £30 leftover.

How am I going to get by on that??

Its... not that I don't have the means to ask my parents for money, I just don't. I try to take pride in my financial independence. I like that I've been trusted (that word is so meaningful given that I could blow it all binging on alcohol at the SU bar) with a student loan and I'm doing the damn right thing by stuffing [most of] it away in a savings account.

I want a part-time (easy) job!

£30 wants to get spent on a new pair of spectacles.
I've lost one pair in the Indian Ocean, the other pair seem to have disappeared, and without them on, I can't see them. £30 in Specsavers will buy me a pair of spectacles that make me look like a pensioner out of Shameless or a sex pervert. You need to spend over £80 to look like a normal short-sighted person these days. Ridiculous.

£30 could also buy me Final Fantasy III (so special that '3' is written in Roman numerals!), which I promise myself SO BAD that I will enjoy that I wont put it down.

I also want a pair of shorts I saw in Burton. At £15 a pair, I could get two for £30!

Then it hits me that the show I'm doing on Sunday costs at total of £30 for travel, costume and mask.

I think I'll take up busking. Or dancing on the high street.

While on the topic of dance, I want to post this:

Without my consent (although I don't mind), Damien has included me on his promotional poster - TWICE!
Unfortunately I can't make it because I'm at work (I wish they'd pay me early). That'll obviously disappoint a lot of women, possibly break (no pun) a few hearts.

Broke, with no money to break.

As things are so negative, Cookie is sick too.
One day she was up and about, performing gymnastics on her cage bars, and now she's moving with a limp and a crusty nose, not drinking or eating a lot. Did she fall and hurt herself? Or is she old at two years? I don't know.
We're all keeping a vigil by her cage.

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