Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Monday, December 25, 2006

"As I Sit Here In Front of my PC" - diary entry / love story from circa 18/05/2002

If I wrote this when I was 15/16, I have to be some kind of literary genius by now!

As I sit here in front of my PC, I realise that life can be a struggle sometimes. After I awoke this morning at around the time of 12 o clock, I realise how much of the day that I’ve already missed. As I sit in my bed watching Saturday morning TV I hear the shrieking call of “David! David!” from my mother.

“What?” I say.

Realising my door is closed and Mum can’t hear me, I decide to walk over to the doorway and walk out to the landing.

“What is it?” I say, speaking over the banister.

“We’re going to Hounslow!”

Realising my chance to perhaps buy something, I ask why, careless that my hair is in a bad state and I’m still in my PJs with my breath stinking.

“We’re gonna go and see some cars [in mind we might buy one]”

“Really?” I say, “Can I request a CD player, air conditioning, electric windows, ABS breaks…” I keep on stating more car features “When you going?” I ask after I finished my requests.

“NOW!” comes the reply.

Too late, I say to myself, I might as well stay at home. Walking back to my bed remains a struggle, as my feet are hurting from too much football the previous day, the worst injury being a painful split in my skin on my big toe and I gotta be in good condition for athletics on Monday.

Struggling to find something to keep me entertained (or even keep my sanity!) I decide to try the Internet for company but no one’s on Messenger. Oh well. So I decide to put some clothes away, which I did (or I just left a pile of clothes on my family members’ beds) and to my shock horror I find fluff on my PE shorts! I try to pick it off with my fingers, only to find its some spider web! Disgusting! To think I’m gonna be wearing those quite a lot this week (I’m doing after-school activities).

Once all they were done I thought of having a shower to get rid of the gel in my hair from yesterday.

-I had a shower-

I go up to my room to get changed pulling any old thing on, leaving one foot (the ‘injured’ one without a sock) and walk downstairs feeling like Diddle Diddle Dumpling!

On my return I realise how hungry I am and that I haven’t eaten yet (may I remind you, the house is still empty), so I scramble through the cupboards finding nothing that interested my appetite. It was time for a last resort: toast and tea!

You see, this is the struggle; I’m terrible at being left alone coz I can’t cook! Ah, well, life will be a struggle, but I’m not worried because I’m gonna learn! Hah! Imagine me feeding my family beans on toast! Makes you laugh doesn’t it?

But the real struggle that affects us all is love! Why do I say that? Because not everyone in this world is beautiful and sometimes we’re unfortunate enough to get the ugly ones coming up to us!

This is the story of yesterday, while I was playing football, the day I hurt my foot. I’m not saying this story to be so ‘full of myself,’ I’m saying it for comedy value, so don’t think that I think that I’m some kind of woman magnet coz that’s not true! I’m also emphasising some parts for comedy value, so don’t consider big-headedness


Someone’s at the door. Its some kids from down the road wanting to play some footy

“Is Conor [my brother] there?”

“Yes he is,” Mum replies, “You gonna play football?”

“Yeah,” Tom, one of the boys replies in his gruff year 6 voice.

My brother approaches.

“David, are you going as well?” Mum asks (I think she was eager to get me out of the house, to be honest!)

I agree of course coz there isn’t much else to do at home, apart from graphics, which quite simply DRAWS THE LINE!

I go upstairs and out some clothes on and have a quick glance in the mirror (I’m seeing what my little scratch on my nose looks like, achieved by heading a football with my glasses on, stupidly enough!)

Pretty satisfied with my appearance I head for the door and we all leave for Whitton Playing Fields!

Tom, being the arse that he is, bounces the ball which, incidentally bounces on to the road, and risking life and limb, I scoop the ball away, just before a car hits me!

On to the playing fields, where we start playing football. I slip my glasses into my case for protection so the world suddenly goes a little blurry.

“Hey, David! My main man!”

It’s Robert from my sister’s school! (Funny chap!)

He joins in.

Looking around, the field is quite empty, apart from some little kids playing with a soft football

The game goes down great, I scored some rather flash goals and we all have a laugh!

Some silhouetted figures are approaching from the other side of the field.

They stop near us. What are they saying? Are they gonna ask for money, or steal our phones (I didn’t have one on me at the time)? We continue, their presence not bothering me anyway.

“Hey Tom! Remember me?” it turns out one of those figures was a girl (remember I can’t see much detail without my specs on) “Oi!” she says in her cockney-esque accent “you wanna play a match? Us verses you lot!”

Oh god! I think to myself, we’re probably gonna be thrashed!

“OK” Robert agrees, “Come on David!”

GAME ON! We start…

Running rather athletically up the field to go in for a cross, I hear:

“Hey! What’s your name? David, init?”

I listen to her, my senses alive with passion, my heart racing just that little bit faster! She’s interested in me! Holding my shoulders back, my head up and my stomach in, hoping she cant see the spots that seem to always be able to creep onto my face, I turn around to see her in ALL HER GLORY!!


“What year you in? Don’t worry, lemme guess? Year 10?”


“How did I know? WOW I must be psychic! God I’m good! How did I know that? What school you go to? It’s not Whitton is it?”

“No, St Paul’s”

“You’re a good footballer aren’t you?”


Trying to put her off, I say I’m not that good.

“What are you talking about!” she says (touching my arm). I back off

“Yeah, whatever!” I say. A feeling of nausea comes over me and I run off to take part in the match.

Soon enough it was all over, we had won and they had to go home.

“Come on you fat bitch!” yells the minger’s brother “stop chatting up that boy!”

Ugh! Chatting up. That’s when the truth hits me.

They walked off to go to their cheap little houses.

“See you around, David” the girl shouts.

Hope I never see you again I say under my breath.

Terrible, don’t you think? It’s probably happened to you. Thank the stars my sister wasn’t around or she would have told Mum, then I’d have a dilemma on my hands!

Anyways, enough of all that. I hope you enjoyed this tragic story, or it brightened you up, even if it is a little long and goes on!


You’re not the only person in the world who has problems, you’re always gonna share them with some one somewhere else in the word. This one just so happens to be mine!


Love doesn’t always end in happiness. Thank god this one never started!

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