Read on, read on... sorry about the bad layout, from time to time the blog goes funny. Try downloading FireFox to fix any problems with viewing the site. I keep the blog to maintain memories I'm likely to forget and share them with the world. Typing stuff is also easier than writing with a pen and saves paper:) You can select which blog subject I've written under on the left, although most things will be Thoughts and Feelings or Rant (its too easy to rant about stuff)

Friday, September 15, 2006

What a week of performances!

This is the most assemblies I've done for a while.

Now the new school terms have begun, the new year for the Urban Dance School has also begun, resulting in alot of 'gigs' for us to perform at. Unlike the July ones we did, these were all lunchtime performances!

Let's not count last Thu. I missed a lunch chat with the kids as I overslept.

Fri last was like a rock concert (I did say we did 'gigs'). Thamesmeade lunch hall was our venue, their assembly stage is where we did it. Kids were CROWDED round that stage!

Sun, standard U.D.S, 'new' term, later rehearsals for Abz + Gina (come to that later)

Tue was at a primary school called Saxon after lunch. Nice place, but hard to find from Shepperton station!
It went okay, bar one slip-up which can't be publically known, but is TOO funny and wont go away easily.

Wed - Bishop Wand lunch demo. The best venue to dance in as it was in their dance hall. Lots of old and new faces. Later assisted a class after school.

Thu was Magna. Once again, some old, some new faces.

Today St Nick's primary, just after lunch.
Fantastic school. Great kids, we were being chatted to by 10 and 11 year-olds before the teachers had a chance! Just Matteo and I, due to 'unforeseen' reasons (lol)
The organiser thought we should have demos for years five and six separately, so we performed twice.
The first lot were good, so well behaved and quiet throughout and clapped and asked questions.
The second time was great for us as we were in the zone from the first, only this time the kids laughed more. Now, I was told to smile and look at the audience more than usual, so I thought they found my expression comical, but Matteo's belt had come undone midway through the routine and his jeans began slipping down! The teachers didn't help either by laughing. I noticed this halfway through and laughed too, fortunately not being infected by giggles.
Many more of the kids asked questions this time round, and some were even told off for staying to ask more questions after they'd been dismissed.

Evening, Fri we returned for the second time this week to watch Abz and Gina perform Elvis's "Devil In Disguise" for the college's annual OAP gathering. Thanks to them, Matteo and I both got a cheer for being involved in choreographing the number (I don't know what they mean, I wasn't there for one bit of it!!)

And that about records it all for me. I'm knackered, by body has had a good workout though, and before I know it, I'll be dancing again on Sunday!

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